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Four areas of intervention for a more human, welcoming, efficient and future-oriented city of Rome.


We focus on the beauty, knowledge, and regenerative capacity of culture: a unique heritage and a great development engine for the city.

See Culture interventions

We make Rome, for over 2,000 years a city of welcome and inclusion, even more just, open, united, and supportive. 

See Inclusion interventions

We valorise science, research, and innovation, which have always been in Rome's DNA, to generate opportunities, work, and wellbeing for a city 'looking to the future'. 

See Innovation interventions

We carry forward the sustainable revolution to transform Rome into a more liveable, more connected, and even more beautiful city. 

See Sustainability interventions
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In evidence

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The eternal city changes forever

Once again, Rome is transformed and reborn. Thanks to an unprecedented investment season, we have the opportunity to implement an incredible regeneration project that will involve several areas of the city.
Our mission is to use these extraordinary resources to create a harmonious development model, to reconstruct a virtuous relationship between urban fabric and people, between city and environment, to mend tears and to enhance the capital's exceptional heritage.


Roberto Gualtieri


The change is under way

Browse through the main interventions already completed or in progress and discover the new face of Rome

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  • Cultura


    Interventions to promote eco-efficiency and reduce the energy consumption in theatres and movie theatres owned by Roma Capitale Teatro Biblioteca Quarticciolo

    The 10 planned interventions aim at improving safety and hospitality in theatre and movie theatre spaces, as well as optimising the performance and functionality of the rooms through eco-efficiency and the reduction of energy consumption. 

    The funded projects involve eight theatres and two movie theatres owned by Roma Capitale, including Teatro Argentina, Teatro Costanzi (Rome Opera Theatre Foundation), Teatro Quarticciolo, Teatro Torlonia, Teatro India (room A and room B), Teatro Tor Bella Monaca (room A and room B), Teatro del Lido di Ostia, Globe Theatre, Casa del Cinema and Cinema Aquila.

    More specifically, the project actions will focus on:

    • the restoration of materials in compliance with the regulations;
    • the elimination of hazards deriving from damaged parts;
    • the creation and/or revision of electrical and special systems, integrated with energy consumption efficiency control systems;
    • the revision or replacement of heating/air conditioning systems, to improve the overall management of theatres and movie theatres.

    These interventions will improve the audience experience, ensuring a safer, more comfortable and energy-efficient environment in theatres and movie theatres.

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  • Asilo nido Girasoli


    Construction of the "I GIRASOLI" pre-school on Via Maccari

    The new facility was built from scratch with the goal of accommodating 60 students.

    Construction works began in 2010 and were completed in 2015. Due to various administrative and construction delays, the building remained incomplete until construction works were completed. 

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  • Sostenibilità


    Extraordinary maintenance of the main access road network: repair, replacement and partial upgrade of the protection barriers to improve road safety

    The proposed intervention relates to the resurfacing of the main roads called "vie Consolari", conducted by ANAS S.p.A. By means of an agreement, the company will be responsible for drafting, approving and implementing the projects with the support of Roma Capitale and Città Metropolitana. The work will be carried out at night, between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m., following a precise timetable in order to limit the inconvenience to citizens and to ensure traffic flow on the roads affected by the works.

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  • Render Aruba data center


    Aruba data centre: Hyper Cloud Data Center project – Tiburtino Technopole

    The new "Hyper Cloud Data Center" will be set up by Aruba in the Tiburtino Technopole. The campus, designed specifically for the data centre over an area of 74 thousand square meters, will comply with the highest standards of resilience and infrastructure quality. Upon completion it will be certified, like IT1 and IT3 standards, with a Rating 4 compliant to standards ANSI/TIA 942-A. In addition of being connected with the major Internet networks, it will have multiple interconnections with the campuses located in Arezzo (IT1 e IT2) and with the Global Cloud Data Center (IT3).

    The main goal of the Hyper Cloud Data Center is to become the main reference point for data centre services and solutions - both physical and cloud-based - designed for businesses, Public Administration, Local Bodies, as well as for banking and finance. The Hyper Cloud Data Center in Rome will provide business continuity and disaster recovery solutions for Enterprises and Public Administration.

    This project is also of particular importance form an environmental point of view, as it includes a fully sustainable Data Centre. It will be powered exclusively by renewable energy, certified at European level through the Guarantee of Origin (GO), thus minimising the environmental impact and ensuring greater sustainability in its operation.

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  • Sostenibilità


    Green Squares - Piazza Vinci Garden

    The interventions are related to the redevelopment of different urban spaces little used by citizens, since they are characterised by a significant state of degradation.

    The activities will be aimed at regeneration, creating environments usable by citizens and capable of facilitating socialisation, outdoor physical activity and connection with nature.

    The interventions will include the following squares:

    • Val Trompia Park (included in the Roma Capitale project "100 parchi per Roma");
    • Piazza Canberra;
    • Piazza Corazzini;
    • Piazza Vinci Garden;
    • Amato Park; 
    • Sassi Park; 
    • Monte Urano Park.
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  • Sostenibilità


    Enhancing the square in front of the parish church of Sant'Andrea Corsini - Via Alessandro della Seta

    The intervention involves the redevelopment of an open dirt space, transforming it into a new square, called Piazza di Gregna Sant'Andrea, located in front of the Parish Church of Sant'Andrea Corsini on Via Alessandro della Seta. The new square, which will be raised compared to the current carriageway, will include several green areas and a play area. In addition, 27 parking spaces and 7 stalls for mopeds will be established near the square.

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  • Inclusione


    Extraordinary maintenance for fire-fighting adaptation of school buildings: Mandorlo Rosa Nursery

    During 2023, Roma Capitale financed extraordinary maintenance work to adapt numerous educational and school facilities to fire regulations. Here are the buildings that are affected by the works:

    • Cardarelli Middle School, via E. Paladini 12
    • Gradenigo Nursery, via dei Gradenigo 3
    • Il Ciclamino Nursery, via Belluzzo 100
    • Il Lirio d'oro Nursery, via Portuense 1635
    • Irlandesi Nursery, Via degli Irlandesi 47
    • Mandorlo Rosa Nursery, Via Pescaglia 75
    • Stella Stellina Nursery, via Q. Majorana 139
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  • Sostenibilità


    New street gullies of the Municipality X of Rome - via dei Pescherecci

    The works, which began in November 2023, involve the construction of new street gullies and new rainwater drainage systems within the territory of the Municipality X of Rome – Ostia - covering a total of about 450 meters.

    The aim of the work is to improve the area’s ability to respond to extreme weather events caused by climate change.

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  • Inclusione


    Extreme Poverty - Assistance centres (Via Ottorino Gentiloni)

    The interventions will be divided into 9 projects with the main objective of offering services and support to people in situations of poverty, promoting social inclusion, access to basic resources and the possibility of acquiring skills through training placements.

    To improve the services offered, the project, named RESET, envisages a strong involvement of voluntary associations. A link will be established with ASLs (local health authorities) and employment services to send users for training placements.

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  • Sostenibilità


    Sewage treatment plant in Tragliatella

    The construction of the sewage treatment plant is crucial to the proper functioning of the sewage system in Tragliatella. This project is part of AceaATO2 S.p.a.'s investment plan, which also includes the rehabilitation and upgrading of the sewerage system in the area. Currently, the sewage treatment plant is nearing completion. To accelerate the progress of the redevelopment program in the area, the Capitol has allocated about 1.16 million in 2023. These funds are aimed at completing the existing sewer system in the southeastern area, connecting it to the Tragliatella sewage treatment plant.

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