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Caput Mundi: Extraordinary maintenance of some monumental fountains in the City Centre of Rome - The Turtle Fountain (Fontana delle Tartarughe)

Implementing party

Roma Capitale

Project description

The extraordinary maintenance of Fontana delle Tartarughe involves a series of operations aimed at recovering bronze and stone materials:

  • removal of organic patinas;
  • removal of deposits and limescale;
  • revision and remaking of the grouting on the stone surfaces;
  • verification of the waterproofing of basins;
  • biocidal application for the removal of organic patinas;
  • corrosion inhibitor treatment of bronze surfaces.


Tender stage
End of Work

Estimated completion date

First Quarter 2025

Funding source


Amount allocated

1.187.000,00* €
*total amount including financing of other works