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Four areas of intervention for a more human, welcoming, efficient and future-oriented city of Rome.


We focus on the beauty, knowledge, and regenerative capacity of culture: a unique heritage and a great development engine for the city.

See Culture interventions

We make Rome, for over 2,000 years a city of welcome and inclusion, even more just, open, united, and supportive. 

See Inclusion interventions

We valorise science, research, and innovation, which have always been in Rome's DNA, to generate opportunities, work, and wellbeing for a city 'looking to the future'. 

See Innovation interventions

We carry forward the sustainable revolution to transform Rome into a more liveable, more connected, and even more beautiful city. 

See Sustainability interventions
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In evidence

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The eternal city changes forever

Once again, Rome is transformed and reborn. Thanks to an unprecedented investment season, we have the opportunity to implement an incredible regeneration project that will involve several areas of the city.
Our mission is to use these extraordinary resources to create a harmonious development model, to reconstruct a virtuous relationship between urban fabric and people, between city and environment, to mend tears and to enhance the capital's exceptional heritage.


Roberto Gualtieri


The change is under way

Browse through the main interventions already completed or in progress and discover the new face of Rome

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  • Sostenibilità


    Urban Cycle Paths Lungomare A. Vespucci (Ostia)

    The NRRP aims to promote the creation of cycle networks in 40 Italian cities, through interventions of maintenance and/or new construction, for tourist/recreational (tourist cycle paths) and urban (urban cycle paths) purposes. 

    Thus, Roma Capitale has set itself the goal of implementing a multi-year programme to promote the use of bicycles as structural means of transport for systematic travel.

    This programme will improve accessibility and safety for cyclists in the city, by encouraging greater use of bicycles for daily travel. 

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  • Pedonalizzazione di piazza Sant'Agostino


    Pedestrianisation of Piazza Sant’Agostino

    In the past few years, Piazza Sant’Agostino has undergone a transformation into a pedestrian area, thanks to the installation of iron bollard barriers. Following the intervention, the elements were removed, leaving the area in a state of neglect and degradation.

    In July 2023, an upgrading and enhancement was conducted that returned the square to residents and visitors, allowing everyone safe access to the church that holds "La Madonna dei Pellegrini," one of Caravaggio's most representative works. This intervention also created a welcoming space for social activities in the local community.

    The upgrading project was carried out thanks to an effective collaboration between the Special Superintendence of Rome and the Diocese.

    The work carried out included the placement of 31 metal bars and 4 travertine benches, as well as restoring the pavement with sampietrini over an area of about 400 square metres and updating the road signs. The intervention has greatly improved the appearance and usability of the square, making it once again a place of cultural and social interest.

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  • Render Corviale


    Integrated Urban Plans (IUPs): Corviale – Via Poggio Verde Municipality XI: Head of tranche H and small square for arts and crafts

    The Corviale Integrated Plan, in synergy with the other planned activities, aims to promote social, inclusive and sustainable development in the city. The aim is to transform the Corviale neighbourhood into a place of urban regeneration and community development, through wellness, sports, culture, community cooperation and supportive entrepreneurship initiatives. The intervention will involve disused properties to create spaces for social and cultural activities, promoting local employment and collaborative management of public assets. The project envisages an increase in services and neighbourhood commerce, through the introduction of new socio-cultural centres, free Wi-Fi zones, as well as a new State Police headquarters, a Post Office and a Pharmacy. Metal fences will be removed to improve accessibility to open spaces and integration of existing sports facilities. The construction of this linear gymnasium will promote social inclusion and sport. There are also plans to complete the Sports Park in Via Maroi with a new multi-purpose facility requested by the citizens of the municipality. The project will involve the regeneration of open spaces that connect the city to the countryside, improving the quality of life and the surrounding environment.

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  • Render Aruba data center


    Aruba data centre: Hyper Cloud Data Center project – Tiburtino Technopole

    The new "Hyper Cloud Data Center" will be set up by Aruba in the Tiburtino Technopole. The campus, designed specifically for the data centre over an area of 74 thousand square meters, will comply with the highest standards of resilience and infrastructure quality. Upon completion it will be certified, like IT1 and IT3 standards, with a Rating 4 compliant to standards ANSI/TIA 942-A. In addition of being connected with the major Internet networks, it will have multiple interconnections with the campuses located in Arezzo (IT1 e IT2) and with the Global Cloud Data Center (IT3).

    The main goal of the Hyper Cloud Data Center is to become the main reference point for data centre services and solutions - both physical and cloud-based - designed for businesses, Public Administration, Local Bodies, as well as for banking and finance. The Hyper Cloud Data Center in Rome will provide business continuity and disaster recovery solutions for Enterprises and Public Administration.

    This project is also of particular importance form an environmental point of view, as it includes a fully sustainable Data Centre. It will be powered exclusively by renewable energy, certified at European level through the Guarantee of Origin (GO), thus minimising the environmental impact and ensuring greater sustainability in its operation.

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  • Sostenibilità


    Green Squares - Piazza Corazzini

    The interventions are related to the redevelopment of different urban spaces little used by citizens, since they are characterised by a significant state of degradation.

    The activities will be aimed at regeneration, creating environments usable by citizens and capable of facilitating socialisation, outdoor physical activity and connection with nature.

    The interventions will include the following squares:

    • Val Trompia Park (included in the Roma Capitale project "100 parchi per Roma");
    • Piazza Canberra;
    • Piazza Corazzini;
    • Piazza Vinci Garden;
    • Amato Park; 
    • Sassi Park; 
    • Monte Urano Park.
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  • Sostenibilità


    Completion of via di Quarto Rubbie

    The intervention is related to the completion and redevelopment of a section of local road located on the edge of the municipal territory, in the area of Centroni. The work involves the construction of public lighting in the sections that do not have it, the installation of a rainwater collection network and the construction of the road paving package. The road section affected by the works extends for about 1,150 linear meters.

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  • Inclusione


    Extraordinary maintenance for fire-fighting adaptation of school buildings: Irlandesi Nursery

    During 2023, Roma Capitale financed extraordinary maintenance work to adapt numerous educational and school facilities to fire regulations. Here are the buildings that are affected by the works:

    • Cardarelli Middle School, via E. Paladini 12
    • Gradenigo Nursery, via dei Gradenigo 3
    • Il Ciclamino Nursery, via Belluzzo 100
    • Il Lirio d'oro Nursery, via Portuense 1635
    • Irlandesi Nursery, Via degli Irlandesi 47
    • Mandorlo Rosa Nursery, Via Pescaglia 75
    • Stella Stellina Nursery, via Q. Majorana 139
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  • Sostenibilità


    New street gullies of the Municipality X of Rome - via dei Traghetti

    The works, which began in November 2023, involve the construction of new street gullies and new rainwater drainage systems within the territory of the Municipality X of Rome – Ostia - covering a total of about 450 meters.

    The aim of the work is to improve the area’s ability to respond to extreme weather events caused by climate change.

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  • Manutenzione Via S Satta - 1


    Routine and extraordinary maintenance work on Public Residential Buildings at via S.Satta 199

    The project involved the redevelopment of a Public Residential Building located at via S. Satta 199, within the territory of Municipality IV.  

    The work primarily focused on the obsolete and malfunctioning water lifting system. The intervention concentrated on the hydraulic station, as it was not possible to carry out a complete overhaul of the distribution network at this stage.

    In addition to replacing the old pumps with new ones of adequate capacity, two polyethylene tanks with a capacity of 2000 litres each were installed, along with a UNI 1717 separator. The water distribution network was rebuilt according to UNI standards, including the installation of electrical panels for power supply and protection, and electrical systems for lighting and power distribution.

    The work also included the reconstruction of three pits for the installation of the new tanks and pumps, replacement of the Keller floor grating, and restoration of the drainage system by replacing the old connecting pipe.

    Upon completion of the installation, the technical room was repainted, and the access door was restored with a new lock.

    The intervention also involved the replacement of the main electrical panel that powers the system, including the installation and standardization of the connecting electrical cable.

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  • Inclusione


    Extreme Poverty - Assistance centres (Villa Glori - Viale di Villa Glori, 27)

    The interventions will be divided into 9 projects with the main objective of offering services and support to people in situations of poverty, promoting social inclusion, access to basic resources and the possibility of acquiring skills through training placements.

    To improve the services offered, the project, named RESET, envisages a strong involvement of voluntary associations. A link will be established with ASLs (local health authorities) and employment services to send users for training placements.

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