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Four areas of intervention for a more human, welcoming, efficient and future-oriented city of Rome.


We focus on the beauty, knowledge, and regenerative capacity of culture: a unique heritage and a great development engine for the city.

See Culture interventions

We make Rome, for over 2,000 years a city of welcome and inclusion, even more just, open, united, and supportive. 

See Inclusion interventions

We valorise science, research, and innovation, which have always been in Rome's DNA, to generate opportunities, work, and wellbeing for a city 'looking to the future'. 

See Innovation interventions

We carry forward the sustainable revolution to transform Rome into a more liveable, more connected, and even more beautiful city. 

See Sustainability interventions
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In evidence

The project

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The eternal city changes forever

Once again, Rome is transformed and reborn. Thanks to an unprecedented investment season, we have the opportunity to implement an incredible regeneration project that will involve several areas of the city.
Our mission is to use these extraordinary resources to create a harmonious development model, to reconstruct a virtuous relationship between urban fabric and people, between city and environment, to mend tears and to enhance the capital's exceptional heritage.


Roberto Gualtieri


The change is under way

Browse through the main interventions already completed or in progress and discover the new face of Rome

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  • Cultura

    Interventions to promote eco-efficiency and reduce the energy consumption in theatres and movie theatres owned by Roma Capitale Teatro Torlonia

    The 10 planned interventions aim at improving safety and hospitality in theatre and movie theatre spaces, as well as optimising the performance and functionality of the rooms through eco-efficiency and the reduction of energy consumption. 

    The funded projects involve eight theatres and two movie theatres owned by Roma Capitale, including Teatro Argentina, Teatro Costanzi (Rome Opera Theatre Foundation), Teatro Quarticciolo, Teatro Torlonia, Teatro India (room A and room B), Teatro Tor Bella Monaca (room A and room B), Teatro del Lido di Ostia, Globe Theatre, Casa del Cinema and Cinema Aquila.

    More specifically, the project actions will focus on:

    • the restoration of materials in compliance with the regulations;
    • the elimination of hazards deriving from damaged parts;
    • the creation and/or revision of electrical and special systems, integrated with energy consumption efficiency control systems;
    • the revision or replacement of heating/air conditioning systems, to improve the overall management of theatres and movie theatres.

    These interventions will improve the audience experience, ensuring a safer, more comfortable and energy-efficient environment in theatres and movie theatres.

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  • Inclusione

    Housing first - Un tetto con cura (Villa Glori - Viale di Villa Glori, 27)

    The “Un tetto con cura” project aims to provide long-term temporary assistance, up to 24 months, through the provision of accommodation in flats located in small groups in the area. This solution is aimed at individuals, small groups or families in situations of extreme hardship, who cannot immediately access public housing and who require continuous support. An individualised project, aimed at activating the personal resources of the individual or the family unit, will foster paths to autonomy and capacity-building.

    Projects will focus on several aspects, including:

    • individual paths to overcome the emergency situation;
    • accompaniment and coordination with territorial services for long-term planning;
    • cooperation with other institutions, such as prison facilities, justice services and the judiciary.


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  • Sostenibilità

    Extraordinary maintenance of municipal road pavements – Municipality III

    In view of the Jubilee 2025, Roma Capitale is organising various maintenance and improvement works on pavements to optimise the pedestrian traffic throughout the city, facilitating the movement of pilgrims and tourists. Each of Rome's 15 municipalities will be responsible for resurfacing local pavements, with a focus on connections between neighbourhoods. A budget of 15 million euro is planned for the work, which will be allocated through a framework agreement to simplify procedures. The interventions will include the redevelopment of existing pavements with furniture elements such as pedestrian barriers or flower boxes, the removal of architectural barriers with the addition of ramps, and the maintenance of sensitive routes.

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  • Cultura

    Unexpected Itineraries of Rome

    The “Unexpected Itineraries of Rome” project is a chance to develop, promote, communicate and make available itineraries beyond the usual tourist routes, focusing on decentralised areas of the city characterised by notable elements of nature and landscape, and archaeological sites of great historical, cultural and artistic importance. These zones, while rich in beauty and uniqueness, often go unnoticed even by local residents.

    The main goal of the project is to counter the phenomenon of overtourism, namely, the excessive numbers of visitors in restricted areas, concentrated in Rome’s case in the historic centre. To achieve this goal, the intention is to promote valuable experiences in places outside of the current traditional tourist itineraries. At the same time, the aim is to create a philosophy called “never-ending Rome”, with the intention to encourage repeated journeys, targeting tourists of all ages who have already visited the city (repeaters), as well as a prevalently young market.

    Through this initiative, the hope is to create a new perspective on discovering the city, helping to distribute the flow of tourists in a fairer and more sustainable way, preventing the excessive saturation of the historic centre and encouraging exploration of less frequented places but with great cultural value.

    7 itineraries identified:

    1. Martyr’s Park of Forte Bravetta
    2. Villa Statilia Park, Piazza Vittorio Gardens, former Roman Aquarium
    3. Gazometro and Caffarella Park – the Almone River Itinerary
    4. Torre del Fiscale Park and Park of the Aqueducts, with street art in the Quadraro neighbourhood
    5. Parco di Tor Marancia and Tor Marancia neighbourhood with street art
    6. Pantano and city of Gabii
    7. San Vittorino and city of Gabii
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  • Sostenibilità

    Redevelopment of Via Cassia outside GRA – Via Vittorio Piccinini

    A road redevelopment intervention was carried out that included: extraordinary maintenance and complete road platform resurfacing up to 24 cm; restoration of the protective barriers; cleansing and verification of the hydraulic functionality of the rainwater disposal network (gutters); refurbishmeny of the vertical and horizontal signs; mowing and cleaning of the areas adjacent to the road. In addition, the deteriorated pavements and guard-rails have been restored, in particular in the section between Via Vilfredo Pareto and Via Oriolo Romano. The works were carried out on a total road section of approximately 3 km in length, which goes from Via Riccardo Moretti to Via Braccianese Bis insertion and from the GRA to Via Piccinini.

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  • Sostenibilità

    Pasquale II Park

    A new public park has been created, characterised by the creation of an inclusive play area. The latter includes a castle equipped with a balance bridge and slide, two swings, a cast rubber anti-trauma mat, balance games, flowerbeds with fragrant essences and the planting of new trees.

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  • Sostenibilità

    Redevelopment of public areas and construction of new raised pedestrian crossings near schools: Green area of Piana del Sole

    The districts of Magliana, Marconi and Piana del Sole will be the subject of a series of specific and widespread interventions for the redevelopment and safety of public spaces (squares, public green areas and road sections near schools). The goal is to enhance and improve the usability of these places of aggregation within the built fabric.

    Squares and green areas

    The quality of squares and green areas has been improved with new flooring, measures aimed at increasing accessibility, the integration of furnishing elements – including inclusive children’s games –, the planting of trees, the insertion and enhancement of lighting (from a photovoltaic source). The interventions have also made the spaces more recognisable and safe throughout the day. Here are the details of the works:

    • Largo Santa Silvia: repair and extraordinary maintenance of the play equipment present;
    • Piazza Piero Puricelli: new lighting, new games and redevelopment of the Madonnina basement;
    • Piazza Fabrizio De Andrè: new picnic tables;
    • Fausto Catani Garden in via Greve: new trees, removal of barriers, improvement of the access ramp, new pergola and new fitness space;
    • Giardino Lauro Maria Caterina Bassi (via Blaserna): new flooring, basketball court with spaces dedicated to sports in the open area;
    • Green area of Piana del Sole (via Fresonara): construction of a new recreational area;
    • Playground in via Pian due Torri: insertion of new inclusive games and anti-trauma flooring, remaking of the basketball court and perimeter network on the bike path, insertion of new furnishings (baskets and picnic table);
    • Piazza Augusto Righi: reorganization/redesign of paved spaces and flowerbeds with the insertion of spaces for motorbike parking;

    Crossings near schools

    The movement of adults and children at the entrance and exit of schools has been facilitated by the creation of raised pedestrian crossings that ensure absolute priority to pedestrians, eliminating any dangerous conditions with respect to vehicular traffic. Here are the points subject to intervention:

    • Via Blaserna at the Mondo Enchanted infant school;
    • Via Brunacci at the Aquilone blu Nursery;
    • Via Giuseppe Belluzzo at Il Ciclamino Nursery;
    • Via Ignazio Ribotti at the Benucci Infant School;
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  • Sostenibilità

    Upgrading of street gullies in Municipality X - Via Landi

    A series of interventions carried out between December 2022 and March 2024 have upgraded street gullies of the Municipality X of Rome.

    The works have improved the area’s ability to respond to extreme weather events caused by climate change.

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  • Sostenibilità

    Renovation of the hydraulic right quay pavement between Ponte Duca d'Aosta and Ponte Risorgimento

    The intervention consists of the renovation of the pavement of the right quay of the Tiber in the stretch of the bank between Ponte Duca D’Aosta and Ponte Risorgimento, covering approximatively 1.89 km. The current quay pavement consists of deteriorated concrete containment blocks. The intervention includes constructing a new road surface that will allow for the extension of the cycle path.

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  • Sostenibilità

    Urban Cycle Paths Magliana - Ciclabile Tevere - Villa Bonelli

    The NRRP aims to promote the creation of cycle networks in 40 Italian cities, through interventions of maintenance and/or new construction, for tourist/recreational (tourist cycle paths) and urban (urban cycle paths) purposes. 

    Thus, Roma Capitale has set itself the goal of implementing a multi-year programme to promote the use of bicycles as structural means of transport for systematic travel.

    This programme will improve accessibility and safety for cyclists in the city, by encouraging greater use of bicycles for daily travel. 

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