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Four areas of intervention for a more human, welcoming, efficient and future-oriented city of Rome.


We focus on the beauty, knowledge, and regenerative capacity of culture: a unique heritage and a great development engine for the city.

See Culture interventions

We make Rome, for over 2,000 years a city of welcome and inclusion, even more just, open, united, and supportive. 

See Inclusion interventions

We valorise science, research, and innovation, which have always been in Rome's DNA, to generate opportunities, work, and wellbeing for a city 'looking to the future'. 

See Innovation interventions

We carry forward the sustainable revolution to transform Rome into a more liveable, more connected, and even more beautiful city. 

See Sustainability interventions
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In evidence

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The eternal city changes forever

Once again, Rome is transformed and reborn. Thanks to an unprecedented investment season, we have the opportunity to implement an incredible regeneration project that will involve several areas of the city.
Our mission is to use these extraordinary resources to create a harmonious development model, to reconstruct a virtuous relationship between urban fabric and people, between city and environment, to mend tears and to enhance the capital's exceptional heritage.


Roberto Gualtieri


The change is under way

Browse through the main interventions already completed or in progress and discover the new face of Rome

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  • Sostenibilità


    Urban Cycle Paths Piazzale Ostiense - Piazzale Metronio

    The NRRP aims to promote the creation of cycle networks in 40 Italian cities, through interventions of maintenance and/or new construction, for tourist/recreational (tourist cycle paths) and urban (urban cycle paths) purposes. 

    Thus, Roma Capitale has set itself the goal of implementing a multi-year programme to promote the use of bicycles as structural means of transport for systematic travel.

    This programme will improve accessibility and safety for cyclists in the city, by encouraging greater use of bicycles for daily travel. 

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  • Inclusione


    Construction of pre-school on Via Orazio Amato

    In September 2022, after more than 10 years of construction, the pre-school, which now houses 150 children, was opened. Construction of the building required 4 separate procurements and was carried out with a strong commitment to sustainability and energy conservation. Each classroom is equipped with a solar greenhouse and a catchment chimney.

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  • Render padiglione Santa Maria della Pietà


    Integrated Urban Plans (IUPs): Santa Maria della Pietà - Works on the Pavilions of Lazio Region Local Health Facilities (ASL)

    The integrated plan developed for Santa Maria della Pietà aims to create a Health and Well-being Park, which represents an articulated system of spaces and activities to enhance personal development. The project aims to promote social-work skills, healthy lifestyles and psychophysical well-being, embracing aspects such as nutrition education, entrepreneurship, legality, sport and exercise. The intervention will include actions that meet the need for space for personal care and provide an environment conducive to social welfare, training, entrepreneurial and workshop initiatives. These activities will complement those already present in the complex, supporting the recovery and revitalisation of the park and the existing pavilions. The design will develop and integrate different functions, responding to citizens' needs, with a focus on physical and psychological well-being, social care, sociality and inclusion. The services offered will support emerging businesses and the most vulnerable. The experimental approach and shared governance could be a model for other initiatives that promote collaboration between institutional, private, scientific and civic entities.

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  • Piazza dei Navigatori


    Piazza dei Navigatori

    The Innovation Urban Planning has redefined the functionality of public spaces and, simultaneously, implemented a major private intervention designed by "Mario Cucinella Architects". The intervention aims to redevelop the urban area, with special attention to the landscaping of the edges of Via Cristoforo Colombo and the areas connecting with the surrounding neighbourhood. The main goal is to expand this redevelopment to the Plan of Viale Giustiniano Imperatore by reorganising the rest and green areas. This intervention will involve significant simplifications in the local infrastructures, i.e. the reintegration of traffic in Via Cristoforo Colombo towards Viale di Tor Marancia, to allow a full light synchronisation along Via Cristoforo Colombo.

    The affected areas will not only benefit from a functional urban redesign, but also from a redevelopment of their public green spaces and urban services, with the aim of increasing the permeability of the area involved and promoting "urban forestation". More specifically, car parks are planned over an area of 39,000 sqm, and green public services over an area of 16,000 sqm. In addition, the cycle paths will be redesigned and new facilities for the neighbourhood created, including a new bowls club, skate park and children's play area. These facilities will be integrated and organised in valuable landscapes, providing comfortable shady spaces.

    Lastly, it is planned to relocate the bar kiosk currently located in Piazza Elio Rufino, to create a social context integrated with the square itself, through redevelopment including seats, flowerbeds and potted trees.

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  • Ciclovia delle Valli 1


    "Cycle path of the Valleys" (Cycle-pedestrian path)

    The project is related to the construction of the cycle path of the Valleys, a cycling ring of about 9 kilometres, developed between Piazza Sempione, Viale Jonio and Prati Fiscali. 

    The route dedicated to bicycles will serve as a connection between the two B1 metro stations, Jonio and Conca d 'Oro.

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  • Fine lavori 1


    Extraordinary maintenance of the Ostiense Market in Via Corinto

    As part of the intervention, some of the old sales counters were reconfigured in order to create a new area capable of promoting new social and relational activities within the market. The aim of these activities was to support the entrepreneurial choices of the operators, who have progressively innovated their service offers. 

    The market area has thus been renovated, removing some of the sales counters, to accommodate a well-equipped, modern and functional space that allows for on-site consumption of the products offered by the operators on the basis of their licences. It also allows people to stop before or after shopping and to weave relationships and encounters, enriching the shopping experience in a way that only tradition and human relations can offer.

    The proposal of free areas for customers allows new activities to be organised within the market, such as business meetings, exhibitions or shows, which will increase the number of visitors in new time slots, offering operators more sales opportunities and more customers.

    Each of the two intervention areas has been delimited by a stoneware frame, marking the space dedicated to the new functions. In addition, a glulam structure was installed over one of the two areas to make the new spaces more visible.

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  • Inclusione


    Extraordinary maintenance for fire-fighting adaptation of school buildings: Cardarelli Middle School

    During 2023, Roma Capitale financed extraordinary maintenance work to adapt numerous educational and school facilities to fire regulations. Here are the buildings that are affected by the works:

    • Cardarelli Middle School, via E. Paladini 12
    • Gradenigo Nursery, via dei Gradenigo 3
    • Il Ciclamino Nursery, via Belluzzo 100
    • Il Lirio d'oro Nursery, via Portuense 1635
    • Irlandesi Nursery, Via degli Irlandesi 47
    • Mandorlo Rosa Nursery, Via Pescaglia 75
    • Stella Stellina Nursery, via Q. Majorana 139
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  • Sostenibilità


    New street gullies in Municipality X – Ostia Levante - Piazza T.F. degli Uberti

    The project involves the construction of new street gullies in the area of Ostia Levante within the territory of Municipality X.The works for the construction of new street gullies for rainwater disposal started in October 2023 and cover a total of 490 meters.

    The work aims to respond to the new atmospheric phenomena, characterized by significant rainfall over short periods of time. These extreme events have made it a priority to manage and channel rainwater effectively in road infrastructure. 

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  • Sostenibilità


    Extraordinary maintenance and redevelopment of school entrances in Viale Carlo Tommaso Odescalchi

    The project consists in the redevelopment of a section of Viale Carlo Tommaso Odescalchi where three schools are located. More in depth, the entrance areas of the three schools will be renovated with the aim of enhancing safety for students and parents, while creating welcoming and accessible meeting and sharing points. 

    In order to mark out the dual function of the school entrances, the pavements will be widened, the floors modified and furnishing elements inserted so as to make the spaces equipped, safe and well identifiable in the urban fabric. 

    The works will also include the renovation of pavements to ensure the safety of pedestrians, the redesign of the road system to accommodate the need for parking for vehicles, and a new subdivision of the parking spaces. 

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  • Inclusione


    Extreme Poverty - Assistance centres (Ex Colonia Vittorio Emanuele - Lungomare Paolo Toscanelli, 176)

    The interventions will be divided into 9 projects with the main objective of offering services and support to people in situations of poverty, promoting social inclusion, access to basic resources and the possibility of acquiring skills through training placements.

    To improve the services offered, the project, named RESET, envisages a strong involvement of voluntary associations. A link will be established with ASLs (local health authorities) and employment services to send users for training placements.

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