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Four areas of intervention for a more human, welcoming, efficient and future-oriented city of Rome.


We focus on the beauty, knowledge, and regenerative capacity of culture: a unique heritage and a great development engine for the city.

See Culture interventions

We make Rome, for over 2,000 years a city of welcome and inclusion, even more just, open, united, and supportive. 

See Inclusion interventions

We valorise science, research, and innovation, which have always been in Rome's DNA, to generate opportunities, work, and wellbeing for a city 'looking to the future'. 

See Innovation interventions

We carry forward the sustainable revolution to transform Rome into a more liveable, more connected, and even more beautiful city. 

See Sustainability interventions
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In evidence

The project

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The eternal city changes forever

Once again, Rome is transformed and reborn. Thanks to an unprecedented investment season, we have the opportunity to implement an incredible regeneration project that will involve several areas of the city.
Our mission is to use these extraordinary resources to create a harmonious development model, to reconstruct a virtuous relationship between urban fabric and people, between city and environment, to mend tears and to enhance the capital's exceptional heritage.


Roberto Gualtieri


The change is under way

Browse through the main interventions already completed or in progress and discover the new face of Rome

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  • Cultura

    Interventions to promote eco-efficiency and reduce the energy consumption in theatres and movie theatres owned by Roma Capitale Casa del Cinema

    The 10 planned interventions aim at improving safety and hospitality in theatre and movie theatre spaces, as well as optimising the performance and functionality of the rooms through eco-efficiency and the reduction of energy consumption. 

    The funded projects involve eight theatres and two movie theatres owned by Roma Capitale, including Teatro Argentina, Teatro Costanzi (Rome Opera Theatre Foundation), Teatro Quarticciolo, Teatro Torlonia, Teatro India (room A and room B), Teatro Tor Bella Monaca (room A and room B), Teatro del Lido di Ostia, Globe Theatre, Casa del Cinema and Cinema Aquila.

    More specifically, the project actions will focus on:

    • the restoration of materials in compliance with the regulations;
    • the elimination of hazards deriving from damaged parts;
    • the creation and/or revision of electrical and special systems, integrated with energy consumption efficiency control systems;
    • the revision or replacement of heating/air conditioning systems, to improve the overall management of theatres and movie theatres.

    These interventions will improve the audience experience, ensuring a safer, more comfortable and energy-efficient environment in theatres and movie theatres.

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  • Inclusione

    Actions to strengthen social services and prevent burnout among social workers (MUN from IX to XV)

    The project focuses on the enrichment of social services and the prevention of burnout among social workers. Supervision activities will be introduced that will include moments of discussion and sharing to support practitioners in their role and improve their well-being. The aim is to optimise the effectiveness of care services by enhancing the work of the practitioners.
    Supervision will focus on the key factors that contribute to burnout, considering relationships with beneficiaries, environment-related variables and work organisation. A professional analysis of practitioners' practices will be carried out, including methodological, ethical, evaluative and relational aspects. Problems and challenges will be identified, and knowledge and strategies to address them will be shared.
    The project consists of 5 initiatives, of which 2 are eligible for funding and 3 are considered eligible.

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  • Sostenibilità

    Extraordinary maintenance of municipal road pavements – Municipality IV

    In view of the Jubilee 2025, Roma Capitale is organising various maintenance and improvement works on pavements to optimise the pedestrian traffic throughout the city, facilitating the movement of pilgrims and tourists. Each of Rome's 15 municipalities will be responsible for resurfacing local pavements, with a focus on connections between neighbourhoods. A budget of 15 million euro is planned for the work, which will be allocated through a framework agreement to simplify procedures. The interventions will include the redevelopment of existing pavements with furniture elements such as pedestrian barriers or flower boxes, the removal of architectural barriers with the addition of ramps, and the maintenance of sensitive routes.

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  • Render ex Residence Bravetta

    Former Bravetta Residence

    The former Residence in via Bravetta, a structure of approximately 100,000 m3 built in the late 1970s, remained in a state of abandonment for over 15 years, configuring itself as a reinforced concrete structure at the entrance to the Valle dei Casali Nature Reserve. 

    Following the eviction of the last building, which took place in August 2007, the buildings were stripped of their external walls to avoid occupations, awaiting reclamation and redevelopment.

    Demolition operations on the first building began in July 2022 and were completed in spring 2023. Demolition of the second section, consisting of 4 buildings, began in November 2023 and will be completed in spring 2024.

    In accordance with a 2022 council resolution and the subsequent supplementary agreement signed in May 2023, a new children's centre will be built in the area of the former Residence, including a kindergarten and a nursery school with a maximum reception capacity of 150 children. Public squares and paths will also be developed between the "Buon Pastore" complex and the park itself, facilitating the direct connection of the neighbourhood with the surrounding urban park system: "Valle dei Casali", "Tenuta dei Massimi" and "Villa Pamphilj".

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  • Comunità energetica rinnovabile “Le vele”, Istituto Vaccari

    “Le vele” renewable energy community, Vaccari Institute

    In November 2023, the first renewable and supportive energy community in Rome was launched, through the installation of a solar system on the roof of the Leonarda Vaccari Institute. This photovoltaic system, with a power of 82.17 kWp, was installed on the building owned by Roma Capitale, thanks to the generous donation of Banco dell'Energia through Edison.

    The main objective of this plant is to contribute to the improvement of environmental sustainability through the saving of about 43 tons of CO2 per year, equivalent to planting around 1,438 trees. 

    In addition to the positive environmental impacts, from an economic and social point of view, the presence of the solar plant will help to support the Leonarda Vaccari Institute, which has long been committed to the psychophysical rehabilitation of disabled people and their educational and social integration.

    The self-production of energy and the consequent reduction of the energy bill will help the institute to devote more resources to its important social mission. In addition, through the “Le Vele” energy community, which also involves the Claudio Abbado Comprehensive Institute, it will be possible to develop various activities with the parties involved as well as give support, in collaboration with the Municipality, to families who are in a situation of energy insecurity.

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  • Inclusione

    Youth aggregation centre at Eredità Gargiulo

    The farmhouse was selected as the home for the Youth Aggregation Centre, following the choice of the Association with which to collaborate for its co-design.

    To start the services, it was necessary to carry out routine maintenance of the systems and improvement of the outdoor spaces. These interventions include the installation of benches, gazebos, and the maintenance of the green area and adjacent walkable areas. The interventions to improve the outdoor spaces will be carried out synergistically with the available resources, taking into account the costs related to other interventions and collaborating with local organisations that deal with the decorum and care of common assets.

    The funding to activate the service comes from the Public Notice of the Lazio Region "Promotion and coordination of policies in favour of young people", to which the Municipality has been admitted.

    The Youth Aggregation Centre will be open to the public for 12 months, from Monday to Friday, for ordinary activities and occasionally on Saturdays for events open to the community. In the initial phase, it is expected to be open at least 26 hours a week, mainly in the afternoons from Monday to Friday and for a few hours in the morning two days a week. The morning activities will be mainly aimed at young adults, while the afternoon will be dedicated to those under 19.

    The objective is to increase the opening hours in collaboration with the association network that will use the space for its own activities and projects. The activities will develop interventions in the following areas:

    • Cultural
    • Advice and support
    • Education and training
    • Job placement support
    • Support for families and the educational community
    • Promoting active citizenship
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  • Planimetria teatro dell'Istituto Luce

    Renovation of the Istituto Luce theatre

    The intervention consists in the renovation of the sound stage of the former Istituto Luce, located in the premises of the Municipality of Rome VII, in Piazza di Cinecittà n.11.

    The renovation includes:

    • Reinforcement of the roof slab;
    • Renovation of the flat roof and the waterproofing sheath;
    • Structural interventions;
    • Construction of a new stage and stalls with terraced steps;
    • Extraordinary maintenance of the interior of the theatre (offices, dressing rooms, toilets, etc.);
    • Complete renovation of all the installations serving the theatre (electrical, water, sanitary, fire-fighting, etc.);

    Thanks to these important works, the theatre will once again be usable and at the service of the citizens of Rome Capital.

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  • Sostenibilità

    Creation of the event area in Tor Vergata at the Sails of the City of Sport. Basic greening of the north outdoor area

    The planned work will focus on outdoor spaces and will include a series of interventions aimed at regulating rainwater and creating a green area for welcoming the faithful during major events. 

    In detail, the planned activities will be as follows:

    • Greening of the external area: the basic greening of the external area of the complex located north of the lot will be provided. 
    • Realisation of the access roads to the complex: the realisation of the roads necessary to allow access to the complex will be carried out. 
    • Realisation of internal roads to the lot: we will proceed with the construction of internal roads to the lot to ensure adequate circulation within the area.
    • Realisation of sub-services: the sub-services necessary for the operation of the complex will be realised, including the water, sewerage and electrical system.
    • Creation of essential parking areas: several essential parking areas are planned to allow vehicles to park during events and celebrations.
    • Access routes to archaeological areas: access routes to archaeological areas in the surrounding area will be created, in order to allow the visit and use of these sites.

    The main objective of these interventions is to make the external spaces of the complex functional and accessible, creating a welcoming and safe environment for the reception of the faithful during major events such as the Jubilee of 2025, as well as to encourage the use and fruition of the site by the local community.

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  • ERP via Tovaglieri 329 - Cantiere

    Routine maintenance work on Public Residential Buildings at via Tovaglieri 329

    The project involves the redevelopment of two Public Residential Buildings located at via Francesco Tovaglieri 329, within the territory of Municipality VI. These buildings will undergo a series of routine maintenance interventions. The work consists of the waterproofing of the two rooftop gardens located between buildings 1, 2 and 3 of the complex. This measure is necessary due to water infiltrations that have been occurring for years in the underground garage and that have been affecting the apartments on the ground floors.

    The soil will be removed from the two rooftop gardens, the slopes will be checked, the entire surface will be waterproofed, the rainwater collection drains will be replaced, and the positioning of the garden fences will be adjusted.

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  • Aula studio Pelanda - Mattatoio

    Pelanda study room

    The project consisted in the construction of a new study room within the cultural complex of the old Slaughterhouse. The new Pelanda study room is part of a wider plan for creating a network of study rooms in Rome, many of which have already been inaugurated in museum spaces and beyond, as part of the enhancement of the old Slaughterhouse as a "City of the Arts".

    The installation – carried out between 2023 and 2024 by Azienda Speciale Palaexpo, which manages the space - saw the creation of 28 study stations. The Pelanda study room is open every day and available to young people and citizens, as well as for the organisation of meetings and events. 

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