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Four areas of intervention for a more human, welcoming, efficient and future-oriented city of Rome.


We focus on the beauty, knowledge, and regenerative capacity of culture: a unique heritage and a great development engine for the city.

See Culture interventions

We make Rome, for over 2,000 years a city of welcome and inclusion, even more just, open, united, and supportive. 

See Inclusion interventions

We valorise science, research, and innovation, which have always been in Rome's DNA, to generate opportunities, work, and wellbeing for a city 'looking to the future'. 

See Innovation interventions

We carry forward the sustainable revolution to transform Rome into a more liveable, more connected, and even more beautiful city. 

See Sustainability interventions
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The eternal city changes forever

Once again, Rome is transformed and reborn. Thanks to an unprecedented investment season, we have the opportunity to implement an incredible regeneration project that will involve several areas of the city.
Our mission is to use these extraordinary resources to create a harmonious development model, to reconstruct a virtuous relationship between urban fabric and people, between city and environment, to mend tears and to enhance the capital's exceptional heritage.


Roberto Gualtieri


The change is under way

Browse through the main interventions already completed or in progress and discover the new face of Rome

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  • Render PUI Tor Bella Monaca - Tor Vergata


    Integrated Urban Plans (IUPs): Tor Bella Monaca – Tor Vergata: Redevelopment and energy efficiency of sector R5

    The Integrated Plan for the Tor Bella Monaca - Tor Vergata area proposes to address the challenges of the area through different types of interventions, in order to respond concretely to emerging problems. Building renovation will be a priority to address the housing issue, which is essential in a context where housing problems are extremely widespread. Activities will take into account factors such as limiting land consumption, promoting models of urban regeneration and environmental sustainability. All interventions will be synergistically integrated to enhance the cultural heritage, improve energy efficiency in urban areas and promote sustainable mobility.

    In detail, new service spaces will be created within the residential courtyards. The energy efficiency of buildings will be implemented in order to promote the use of renewable energy sources and the establishment of Local Energy Communities.

    These activities will support sustainable and inclusive development by stimulating new entrepreneurial initiatives.

    The Plan will focus on the quality of public space, the enhancement of the archaeological heritage and the promotion of sustainable mobility. Bicycle and pedestrian spaces, connections to the underground stations and connections between Tor Bella Monaca and the Tor Vergata district will be created, including the university campus and the Italian Space Agency. 

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  • Inclusione


    Housing first - Un tetto con cura (A roof with care), Via IV Novembre, 98

    The “Un tetto con cura” project aims to provide long-term temporary assistance, up to 24 months, through the provision of accommodation in flats located in small groups in the area. This solution is aimed at individuals, small groups or families in situations of extreme hardship, who cannot immediately access public housing and who require continuous support. An individualised project, aimed at activating the personal resources of the individual or the family unit, will foster paths to autonomy and capacity-building.

    Projects will focus on several aspects, including:

    • individual paths to overcome the emergency situation;
    • accompaniment and coordination with territorial services for long-term planning;
    • cooperation with other institutions, such as prison facilities, justice services and the judiciary.
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  • Sostenibilità


    Extraordinary maintenance of the municipal road network – Municipality IX

    In view of the Jubilee 2025, Roma Capitale is organising maintenance and improvement works on both main and local roads in order to facilitate the movement of pilgrims and tourists throughout the city. This programme involves all 15 municipalities of Rome, each responsible for the resurfacing of the roads under its jurisdiction, with a special focus on connecting axes. The investment will be equally distributed among the municipalities and interventions will be allocated through a centralised tender to ensure uniformity and consistency. The maintenance will include resurfacing the bituminous conglomerate paving, cleaning the drains for rainwater disposal, restoring road markings and maintaining the areas adjacent to the roads.

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  • Sostenibilità


    Turbigo underpass upgrading

    The primary objective of the project was to renovate, upgrade and improve the safety of the Turbigo underpass, located between Via Giolitti and Via Marsala in the Termini Station area.

    The work was conducted jointly by RFI and the Csimu Department, and focused on a 210-meter road section divided into two carriageways. The decision to renovate the underpass stemmed from the need to restore dignity to a vital road connection that had been neglected for years, affecting the safety of pedestrians, motorists and the rail infrastructure itself.

    In the course of the project, special attention was given to restoring the infill between the pillars, while maintaining respect for the original layout, as suggested by the Special Superintendence of Rome. In addition, cleaning and sandblasting operations were carried out to remove graffiti and smog residue in order to increase light reflection on the travertine lining the underpass, indirectly increasing illumination by 25 percent.

    Special attention was paid to the conservation of marble surfaces, with the use of materials and conservation techniques designed to preserve and protect the walls. Both the road surface and signage were also renewed, improving the appearance and safety of the entire underpass area.

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  • Sostenibilità


    Extraordinary maintenance in Via Malagrotta

    An extraordinary maintenance intervention was implemented with the objective of enhancing the general condition of local roads over a distance of approximately 5 km. The activities carried out included: complete road platform resurfacing in order to ensure a more uniform and safe surface for vehicular traffic; restoration of protective barriers to increase the safety of road users; cleansing and verification of the hydraulic functionality of the rainwater disposal network through the gutters to prevent water stagnation and flooding; refurbishment of vertical and horizontal signs to improve the visibility and orientation of motorists and pedestrians, as well as the mowing and cleaning of areas adjacent to the road.

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  • Inclusione


    Youth Farmhouse - Via Tullio Viola

    The farmhouse called "S4", located in the Fonte Laurentina area, is the result of the "Tor Pagnotta 2" urban planning agreement of 2005. In 2017, following the agreement between Roma Capitale and the Tor Pagnotta 2 Consortium for urbanisation works, it was assigned to the Rome IX EUR Municipality as a social centre for young people.

    This space, with large green areas, offers several indoor sports facilities, including a soccer field, an ice rink and a bocce alley. It is conceived as a place for designing projects, promoting participation in local community life, preventing discomfort and observing youth dynamics in the area. Within the Farmhouse there are two aggregation centres for minors and adolescents, financed through the funds of Law 285/97 (Alternative Space for minors from 11 to 18 years old and Start for minors from 3 to 17 years old).

    Starting in 2022, additional activities have been introduced, including soccer tournaments, astronomical observation evenings and celebratory events for Christmas and Carnival, open and completely free for young citizens and families in the neighbourhood. In addition, in the summer of 2023, the farmhouse hosted the first summer centre dedicated to children aged 3 to 6.

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  • Parco Marconi 1


    Extraordinary maintenance of "Parco Marconi"

    The intervention includes extraordinary maintenance of the Tevere Magliana and Marconi Parks, two "overlooking parks" of urban significance that also constitute two cornerstones of the network of municipal green areas.

    The Tevere Magliana Park and the Tevere Marconi Park, symbolic places of aggregation for the territory, will undergo a series of modernisation and expansion of the structures, furnishings and systems, as well as particular care for their rich arboreal heritage.

    Here are the scheduled extraordinary maintenance interventions:

    • The completion for both Parks of the water and electrical systems dedicated to kiosks;
    • The securing of railings, pathways and stairs and the treatment of all present wooden furniture and structures to prevent the deterioration of newer ones in Marconi Park and the restoration of deteriorated ones in Magliana Park;
    • The integration of signage;
    • The repair of deteriorated or damaged floors;
    • The planting of new trees and the replacement of those that had to be felled.
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  • Inclusione


    Opening of a Solidarity Emporium in San Lorenzo

    The Socio-Educational Management of Municipality II has promoted the opening of a Solidarity Emporium in the San Lorenzo district. The project addresses to the food needs of the community. The Emporium, built in a space reclaimed from organized crime, provides food at no cost to people and families in need, reported by the city social service. The home delivery is maintained exclusively for non-self-sufficient units.  The Emporium has made agreements with several charities and social organizations active in the field for the collection of food resources. It is an initiative that guarantees everyone dignified access to food and offers the possibility of choice.

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  • Sostenibilità


    New street gullies in Municipality X – Ostia Ponente - Corso Duca di Genova

    The project involves the construction of new street gullies in the area of Ostia Ponente within the territory of Municipality X. The works for the construction of new street gullies for rainwater disposal started in October 2023 and cover a total of 244 meters.

    The work aims to respond to the new atmospheric phenomena, characterized by significant rainfall over short periods of time. These extreme events have made it a priority to manage and channel rainwater effectively in road infrastructure.

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  • Sostenibilità


    Urban Cycle Paths Terminal Eur Laurentina - Viale Africa - Viale dell'Arte - Tre Fontane

    The NRRP aims to promote the creation of cycle networks in 40 Italian cities, through interventions of maintenance and/or new construction, for tourist/recreational (tourist cycle paths) and urban (urban cycle paths) purposes. 

    Thus, Roma Capitale has set itself the goal of implementing a multi-year programme to promote the use of bicycles as structural means of transport for systematic travel.

    This programme will improve accessibility and safety for cyclists in the city, by encouraging greater use of bicycles for daily travel.

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