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Extraordinary maintenance for fire-fighting adaptation of school buildings: Cardarelli Middle School

Implementing party

Roma Capitale – XI Municipality

Project description

During 2023, Roma Capitale financed extraordinary maintenance work to adapt numerous educational and school facilities to fire regulations. Here are the buildings that are affected by the works:

  • Cardarelli Middle School, via E. Paladini 12
  • Gradenigo Nursery, via dei Gradenigo 3
  • Il Ciclamino Nursery, via Belluzzo 100
  • Il Lirio d'oro Nursery, via Portuense 1635
  • Irlandesi Nursery, Via degli Irlandesi 47
  • Mandorlo Rosa Nursery, Via Pescaglia 75
  • Stella Stellina Nursery, via Q. Majorana 139


Tender stage
End of Work

Funding source

Roma Capitale Budget

Amount allocated

809.251,63* €
*total amount including financing of other works