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Routine and extraordinary maintenance work in the Public Residential Building of Via delle Alzavole

Implementing party

Roma Capitale

Project description

The project involves the redevelopment of a Public Residential Building located at via delle Alzavole 20, within the territory of Municipality VI. The buildings will undergo a series of routine and extraordinary maintenance interventions.  The building, built in 1975 as part of a special housing plan made funded by the European Community, will be redeveloped. Specifically, the project will include the waterproofing of the roof terrace covering a total area of 2200 square meters. Additionally, single building units affected by leaks over time will be repaired. Before proceeding with the waterproofing, which will be made through a layer of reinforced resin, a preliminary survey will be carried out to know the real composition of the roofing, that are made in different materials and supports. The preliminary survey is necessary to ensure proper execution of the works. The choice of reinforced resin is due to its good resistance to atmospheric agents, low maintenance required and the ease of repair in case of damage.


Tender stage
End of Work

Estimated completion date

First Quarter 2025

Funding source

Roma Capitale Budget

Amount allocated

199.880,58 €