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Integrated Urban Plans (IUPs): Santa Maria della Pietà - Works on Parco Monumentale

Implementing party

Roma Capitale

Project description

The integrated plan developed for Santa Maria della Pietà aims to create a Health and Well-being Park, which represents an articulated system of spaces and activities to enhance personal development. The project aims to promote social-work skills, healthy lifestyles and psychophysical well-being, embracing aspects such as nutrition education, entrepreneurship, legality, sport and exercise. The intervention will include actions that meet the need for space for personal care and provide an environment conducive to social welfare, training, entrepreneurial and workshop initiatives. These activities will complement those already present in the complex, supporting the recovery and revitalisation of the park and the existing pavilions. The design will develop and integrate different functions, responding to citizens' needs, with a focus on physical and psychological well-being, social care, sociality and inclusion. The services offered will support emerging businesses and the most vulnerable. The experimental approach and shared governance could be a model for other initiatives that promote collaboration between institutional, private, scientific and civic entities.



Tender stage
End of Work

Estimated completion date

Second Quarter 2026

Funding source


Amount allocated

10.305.003,60 €