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Rationalization and redevelopment of the Carabinieri barracks in the city of Rome - Via Cocco Ortu

Implementing party

MIT-Provveditorato OO.PP. Lazio, Abruzzo e Sardegna

Project description

The Jubilee intervention constitutes an implementation of the measures already outlined by resolution no. 101 of 23/12/2015 of the CIPE, published in the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic no. 60 on 12/03/2016, subsequently supplemented by CIPE resolution 15/12/2020 n.77/2020. These provisions allocated 12 million euros to the Ministry of the Interior for the implementation of an intervention plan aimed at urban safety in Rome.

The aforementioned plan provides for the renovation of a series of buildings already in use as garrisons for the Carabinieri, currently identifiable in four compendiums located respectively in Via del Trullo, Via dei Tordi, Via Cocco Ortu and Via Appiani. However, the implementation of the programme has encountered various difficulties, including financial limitations, legal issues concerning the availability of buildings, squatting and the adaptation of the municipal regulatory plan to the new functions of the buildings.

In this context, the current project aims to complete further implementation phases, adding the following activities:

  • The completion of the renovation of the complex in Via Appiani, including the intervention on the parts of the building not yet treated, the restoration of the caretaker's accommodation and external improvements.
  • The completion of the renovation of the complex in Via Cocco Ortu, including the intervention on the parts of the building not yet treated, the recovery of the caretaker's accommodation and aesthetic improvement interventions.
  • The completion of the renovation of the complex in Via dei Tordi, which includes interventions on external structures, including the construction of passive defence works.

In addition, it is planned to renovate building A (the second of the three buildings) to be used for accommodation and workshops in the Via del Trullo complex.


Tender stage
End of Work

Estimated completion date

Third Quarter 2026

Funding source


Amount allocated

10.000.000,00* €
*total amount including financing of other works