Find out about the interventions that involve different areas of the city or are spread across different locations.
The project "2025: il Giubileo a Roma e nei Municipi" (2025: the Jubilee in Rome and in the Municipalities) aims to prepare Rome for the Universal Jubilee of the Catholic Church by involving the Municipalities in the organisation of the event and the redevelopment of areas. Each Municipality will be involved at an early stage in the selection and planning of interventions. The aim will be to strike a balance between the global importance of the event and the promotion of the territories involved. The project will envisage one or more interventions per Municipality, ranging between new works of territorial characterisation and redevelopment of existing sites, in order to emphasise the identity of the places concerned.
Tender stage
End of Work
Second Quarter 2026
1.000.000,00 €
The Eternal city changes forever
We focus on the beauty, knowledge, and regenerative capacity of culture: a unique heritage and a great development engine for the city.
We make Rome, for over 2,000 years a city of welcome and inclusion, even more just, open, united, and supportive.
We valorise science, research, and innovation, which have always been in Rome's DNA, to generate opportunities, work, and wellbeing for a city "looking to the future".
We carry forward the sustainable revolution to transform Rome into a more liveable, more connected, and even more beautiful city.