Widespread interventions

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Risultati di ricerca

Advanced filters

Supply of 12-metre methane buses

Implementing party


Project description

The new service contract for local public transport aims to improve the quality and quantity of transport offered, to cope with the expected increase in passengers during the jubilee event. ATAC requested that Roma Capitale supply 1,057 new buses to be added to the fleet and to remove about 960 outdated, highly polluting, and inefficient vehicles during the 2023-2026 period.ATAC will play an active role in implementing these investments, using funding that will cover 90% of the cost for new buses, while the remaining 10% will be covered by self-financing (except for the 411 electric buses fully funded by PNRR Funds).In this context, this specific intervention intends to purchase 244 new 12-metre methane buses, with a total cost of 75.9 million euros (net of VAT).The vehicles will be ready for use starting from June 2024, with the supply completed before the start of the Jubilee Year. To meet additional needs, another 78 buses will be purchased from different funding sources.ATAC, as the implementing body, has adopted an industrial strategy with a single tender process for the acquisition of new buses and the entire maintenance service.


Tender stage
End of Work

Estimated completion date

First Quarter 2025

Funding source

State funding

Amount allocated

181.768.329,00 €

Details of financing

€ 68.765.273 Jubilee, € 31.853.056 ATAC and PSNMS, € 81.150.000 ATAC current account