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Four areas of intervention for a more human, welcoming, efficient and future-oriented city of Rome.


We focus on the beauty, knowledge, and regenerative capacity of culture: a unique heritage and a great development engine for the city.

See Culture interventions

We make Rome, for over 2,000 years a city of welcome and inclusion, even more just, open, united, and supportive. 

See Inclusion interventions

We valorise science, research, and innovation, which have always been in Rome's DNA, to generate opportunities, work, and wellbeing for a city 'looking to the future'. 

See Innovation interventions

We carry forward the sustainable revolution to transform Rome into a more liveable, more connected, and even more beautiful city. 

See Sustainability interventions
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In evidence

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The eternal city changes forever

Once again, Rome is transformed and reborn. Thanks to an unprecedented investment season, we have the opportunity to implement an incredible regeneration project that will involve several areas of the city.
Our mission is to use these extraordinary resources to create a harmonious development model, to reconstruct a virtuous relationship between urban fabric and people, between city and environment, to mend tears and to enhance the capital's exceptional heritage.


Roberto Gualtieri


The change is under way

Browse through the main interventions already completed or in progress and discover the new face of Rome

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  • Inclusione

    Extreme Poverty - Assistance centres (Via Comisso n. 23, ex Casa di Heidi)

    The interventions will be divided into 9 projects with the main objective of offering services and support to people in situations of poverty, promoting social inclusion, access to basic resources and the possibility of acquiring skills through training placements.

    To improve the services offered, the project, named RESET, envisages a strong involvement of voluntary associations. A link will be established with ASLs (local health authorities) and employment services to send users for training placements.

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  • Sostenibilità

    Realisation of primary urbanisation networks in Finocchio

    This activity involves the installation of drinking water supply and sewerage networks in the Fontana Rotta - Forma Rotta area.

    Regarding sewerage, it is important to note that installation work has been successfully completed in the following streets: Via Fontana del Finocchio and Via Fontana Rotta-Pantano. In addition, further implementation is planned in Via Zafferi and Giammoro.

    Regarding the water system, installation work has been successfully completed in the following streets: Via Casale del Finocchio, Via Boccadifalco, Via Casale Corvio and Via Fontana Candida. Work is also planned to be scheduled for the installation of water mains in Via Fontana Candida, Via di Forma Rotta, Via Giammoro and Via Zafferia.

    This intervention represents a significant initiative aimed at providing essential services to area residents.

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  • Sostenibilità

    Extraordinary maintenance of the main access road network: redevelopment of green area works

    The proposed intervention relates to the resurfacing of the main roads called "vie Consolari", conducted by ANAS S.p.A. By means of an agreement, the company will be responsible for drafting, approving and implementing the projects with the support of Roma Capitale and Città Metropolitana. The work will be carried out at night, between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m., following a precise timetable in order to limit the inconvenience to citizens and to ensure traffic flow on the roads affected by the works.

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  • Sostenibilità

    Opening of accesses to the Marconi side of the Roma Trastevere station

    RFI is currently carrying out a project aimed at opening the second front of the Trastevere station. The intervention in question is conceived as a preliminary phase of a larger project, which involves the construction of a second station front equipped with a hypogeal square and a linear park. The initial phase of the work includes the following activities:

    • Reopening and extension of the second sub-step of the station up to the fourth sidewalk: the reopening and extension of the second sub-step of the station is planned in order to improve its accessibility and usability.
    • Construction of a driveway and pedestrian entrance from Via del Fornetto: A new driveway and pedestrian entrance will be built from Via del Fornetto to facilitate access to the station and facilitate intermodal exchange.
    • Redevelopment of the existing staircase on Via Portuense: We will proceed with the redevelopment of the existing staircase on Via Portuense in order to allow further access to the station and improve the user experience.

    This design configuration is designed to provide a significant improvement to the Trastevere station in view of the Jubilee, anticipating and preparing the infrastructure for the increase in passenger flow expected on the occasion of the event.

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  • Fine lavori

    Construction of a park in Via Malfante

    The intervention area is located between Via Antonio Malfante, Via Eusebio Chini, Via Augusto Franzoi, and Via Leon Pancaldo. Originally, this area consisted of uncultivated land with parts of weedy vegetation. In 2016, the area was reacquired from the assets of the Municipality of Rome, recovered by the company Larsus Srl, which had obtained it from the Servizi Punti Verde Qualità Department in 2008.

    Inserted in a highly urbanised context and characterised by a high population density, in 2022 the Municipal Administration undertook a project to transform, redevelop and secure this area. The intervention was an opportunity to bring together the surrounding densely urbanised areas, creating renovated spaces that mitigate anthropogenic pressure. The project aimed to enhance a strategic area for the neighbourhood, of great importance for local residents.

    The redevelopment of the area has led to the creation of several elements:

    • A basketball court complete with delimiting lines, sports equipment and fencing;
    • A stabilised ground pedestrian path that connects the two entrances, enriched by the presence of benches as staging points;
    • New fence and access gates, including two pedestrian entrances and one driveway for entry for maintenance purposes.
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  • Borghetto San Carlo

    Borghetto San Carlo

    Borghetto San Carlo, the splendid agricultural complex located on the Cassia Road, with its five farmhouses from the early 1900s, have been completely regenerated and returned to the territory. The Borghetto (“small village”) boasts a total area of about 23.85 hectares while the farmhouses, built between 1915 and 1945 and consisting of five buildings, have a total area of about 1,700 square metres. These buildings had been waiting for a redevelopment for quite a long time. The agricultural land and some of the buildings were assigned in 2015, through the "Roma città da coltivare" public call of Roma Capitale, to Cooperativa Agricola, a cooperative of young farmers supported by thousands of Roman citizens. However, the overall renovation of the farmhouses, which was supposed to be completed by March 2016, has suffered many delays, leaving the buildings unused for years. Now the area can begin to live again, thanks to the great joint work carried out by the Department of Urban Planning, the Municipality of Rome XV and the proposing body.

    The renovation, worth approximately 2.5 million euros, included the following interventions: seismic adaptation, roof renovation, energy saving regulatory adaptation, redistribution of internal spaces with installation of toilets. Thanks to this renovation, the farmhouses will finally be able to be reopened to the public and used by the Capitoline Administration: two buildings will be given in concession to Cooperativa Agricola and destined for activities complementary to agriculture; another building will be under the Municipality management, while the "D" silos will remain as testimony to the previous agricultural vocation of the complex.

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  • Sostenibilità

    Redevelopment and hygienic-sanitary adaptation of the Market area of via G. Cardano

    With this project, a new headquarters was created, with adequate sanitary facilities, for the regional market located between the streets G. Cardano, D. Macaluso and V. Brunacci, in the Town Hall XI.

    For many years the area, equal to about 3000 square meters, had been used as a market on an improper site, in conditions of degradation and decay that had made it the subject of reports by the citizens. 

    Now, thanks to the funding available in the 2015 Investment Plan, it has been decided to redevelop the area and create a new market in a suitable location on a plateau along Via Macaluso at the corner of Via Cardano. 

    The market, which in compliance with licenses houses 33 counters, is entirely fenced and covered with a semi-transparent UV honeycomb polycarbonate slab roof. The desks are equipped with a shutter and have a connection to water, electrical and telephone utilities. The property also has public toilets, a room for meters and electrical panels and toilets dedicated to merchants, separated by activity.

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  • Sostenibilità

    New street gullies of the Municipality X of Rome - via C. Casana

    The works, which began in November 2023, involve the construction of new street gullies and new rainwater drainage systems within the territory of the Municipality X of Rome – Ostia - covering a total of about 450 meters.

    The aim of the work is to improve the area’s ability to respond to extreme weather events caused by climate change.

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  • Inclusione

    Project: SCUOLE APERTE (OPEN SCHOOLS) in the afternoons, evenings, on weekends

    Scuole aperte is a project of the Department of School, Training and Work that provides for the opening of schools in the area outside the curricular hours. The aim is to make educational institutions both civic and cultural poles of community building, and educational measures to prevent and combat educational poverty and early school leaving. 


    Roma Capitale supports the opening of 118 schools (both Comprehensive and High schools) in all the Municipalities, with a total investment of almost two million euros. 


    Opening schools in the afternoons, evenings and weekends makes it possible to extend the time spent at school and multiply the opportunities for culture and encounters in the city, even in the most vulnerable areas. 

    There are many areas of interest and activities that take place outside the curricular hours: art and culture; school and educational support; educational innovation; Italian for foreigners lessons open to students and parents; listening and support projects for students and their families in collaboration with the Territorial Services; projects and workshops concerning STEAM/Sustainability and environmental education/Relationship education and deconstruction of gender stereotypes; meetings and initiatives aimed at children, families, school staff, the entire territorial community; moments of celebration and encounter.


    Most of the extra-curricular activities are aimed not only at the school students, but at all the communities of the area, including parents, grandparents, teachers and school staff, active citizens, associations, all the inhabitants. 

    Most schools open in close collaboration with Parents' or Students' Associations or with Third Sector Associations, thus encouraging the creation of territorial networks. For details of the programmes and activities, please contact the institutes taking part of the project directly. Below is the list of schools involved:


    • Ennio Morricone Comprehensive Institute at via Pollenza No 54
    • Cpia2 Italo Calvino at via Vitaliano Ponti No 40
    • Piero Terracina Comprehensive Institute at via Solidati Tiburzi No 2 - Caproni headquarters
    • Prenestino Village Comprehensive Institute at via Fosso dell'Osa No 507
    • F. Morvillo Comprehensive Institute at via San Biagio Platani No 260
    • E. Scala Comprehensive Institute at via Nicotera No 15
    • Piaget-Majorana Comprehensive Institute a Piazza Minucciano No 33 - Majorana complex
    • D. Bernardini Comprehensive Institute at via Laurentina civ. 710
    • Via Val Maggia Comprehensive Institute at Via Val Maggia No 21
    • Tito Lucrezio Caro Secondary School at via Venezuela No 30
    • Francesco d'Assisi Secondary School at Viale della Primavera No 207
    • E. Montale Secondary School at via di Bravetta No 545
    • Via Padre Semeria in Principe di Piemonte Comprehensive Institute - via Ostiense No 263/c
    • Santa Beatrice Comprehensive Institute at via dell'Oratorio Damasiano No 20 - head office
    • Casal Bianco Comprehensive Institute at via Casal Bianco No 140
    • Via Santi Savarino Comprehensive Institute at Via S. Savarino No 16
    • F. Vivona Secondary School at via della Fisica No 14
    • Poggiali Spizzichino Comprehensive Institute at via a. Leonori No 74
    • Francesco Cilea Comprehensive Institute at via Francesco Cilea No 269
    • G. Rodari Comprehensive Institute at via Niobe No 52 - Rodari complex
    • Via Giuliano Da Sangallo Comprehensive Institute at Corso Duca di Genova No 137 - Garrone complex
    • Via Nitti Comprehensive Institute at via Francesco Saverio Nitti No 61
    • Cristoforo Colombo Secondary School at Via Panisperna No 255
    • Fratelli Cervi Comprehensive Institute at via Casetta Mattei No 279 - central complex
    • E. Morante Comprehensive Institute at via Zabaglia No 27/a
    • Via Dei Papareschi Secondary school at Via dei Papareschi No 30/a" - head office
    • Via G. Palombini Comprehensive Institute at via Giovanni Palombini No 39
    • Via Tiburtina Antica 25 Comprehensive Institute at Via Tiburtina Antica No 25
    • D. R. Chiodi Comprehensive Institute at via Appiano No 15
    • Piazza De Cupis Comprehensive Institute at via Collatina No 286
    • G. Perlasca Comprehensive Institute in Biblioteca at via V. Barelli No 7
    • Nomentano Secondary School at via della Bufalotta No 229
    • Via Ceneda Comprehensive Institute at via Ceneda No 26
    • G. Bagnera Comprehensive Institute in via Bagnera No 64
    • Bruno De Finetti Comprehensive Institute at via Rita Brunetti No 13
    • Pilo Albertelli Secondary School at via Daniele Manin No 72
    • San Vittorino-Corcolle Comprehensive Institute at via Spinetoli No 96
    • Fratelli Bandiera Comprehensive Institute at Piazza Ruggero di Sicilia No 2
    • Regina Elena Comprehensive Institute at via Puglie No 6
    • Tacito Guareschi Comprehensive Institute at via Del Risaro Nos 34-36 - Tacito complex
    • Via Merope Comprehensive Institute at via Merope No 24
    • Montessori M.C. Comprehensive Institute Pini at via S. Maria Goretti No 42
    • Fidenae Comprehensive Institute at via Don G.M. Russolillo No 64
    • Melissa Bassi Comprehensive Institute at via Dell'Archeologia No 139
    • G. Carducci Secondary School at via Asmara No 28
    • Cpia Amerigo Vespucci at via Facchinetti No 42
    • I. Manara Secondary School At via Basilio Bricci No 4
    • Artemisia Gentileschi Comprehensive Institute at via Carpineto No 11
    • Via Guicciardini Comprehensive Institute at via Guicciardini No 8
    • Via Boccea 590 Comprehensive Institute at via Boccea No 590
    • M. Calderini - G. Tuccimei Comprehensive Institute at via Costantino Beschi No 10
    • Via Delle Alzavole Comprehensive Institute at via delle Alzavole No 21
    • Via Salvatore Pincherle 140 Comprehensive Institute at via A. Severo No 208 - A. Severe Secondary School complex
    • Via P.V. Mariano Comprehensive Institute at via Vibio Mariano No 105
    • Via Latina 303 Comprehensive Institute at Via Latina No 303
    • Via Dei Sesami Comprehensive Institute at via dei Sesami No 20 - San Benedetto complex
    • Piazza Damiano Sauli Comprehensive Institute at Piazza D. Sauli No 1
    • Confalonieri De Chirico Secondary school at via Beata Maria de Mattias No 5 - head office
    • Via Rugantino 91 Comprehensive Institute at via dell'Aquila Reale No 50
    • Nando Martellini Comprehensive Institute at via Giuseppe Vanni No 5
    • G. Milanesi Comprehensive Institute at via Tropea No 26
    • P. Mattarella Comprehensive Institute at via Cipriano Facchinetti 42
    • M. Capozzi Comprehensive Institute at via Bonifazi No 64
    • Via N.M. Nicolai Comprehensive Institute at via N.M. Nicolai No 85 - San Cleto complex
    • Regina Margherita Comprehensive Institute at via della Madonna dell'Orto No 2
    • Rita Levi Montalcini Comprehensive Institute at via dei Salvioli No 20
    • Largo Dino Buzzati Comprehensive Institute at Largo Dino Buzzati No 13
    • Piazza Capri Comprehensive Institute at Piazza Monte Baldo No 2 - Monte Baldo/Don Bosco complexes
    • Via Cornelia Comprehensive Institute at Via Cornelia No 73
    • A. Balabanoff Comprehensive Institute at via Balabanoff No 62
    • Maria Montessori Comprehensive Institute at Monte Ruggero No 39
    • Plauto Secondary School at via Augusto Renzini No 70
    • A. Leonori Comprehensive Institute at via Funi No 41
    • G. Bruno Secondary School at via della Bufalotta No 594
    • Farnesina Secondary School at via dei Robilant No 7
    • Antonio Labriola Secondary School at via Capo Sperone No 50
    • I. Newton Secondary School at Viale Manzoni No 47
    • Giuseppe Montezemolo Comprehensive School at via Andrea Di Bonaiuto No 16
    • R. Rossellini Secondary School at via della Vasca Navale No 58
    • O. Maggiore Comprehensive Institute at via delle Constellazioni No 369 - Secondary School
    • Giuseppe Impastato Comprehensive School at via Luigi Gastinelli No 58
    • Ennio Quirino Visconti Comprehensive Institute at via della Palombella No 4
    • Via Domizia Lucilla Secondary School at via Cesare Lombroso No 118
    • E. Ferrari Secondary School at via Grottaferrata No 76
    • Pasteur Secondary School at via Giuseppe Barellai No 130
    • Via Acquaroni Comprehensive Institute at via Merlini No 8
    • Emma Castelnuovo in Falcone e Morvillo Comprehensive Institute at via Don Primo Mazzolari No 323
    • P. Toscanelli Secondary School at via delle Rande No 22
    • B. Pascal Secondary Schol at via Brembio No 97
    • Via Laparelli Comprehensive Institute at via F. Laparelli No 60
    • Uruguay Comprehensive Institute at via di Settebagni No 281
    • P. Puglisi Comprehensive Institute at via Bravetta Nos 336 – 338 - Buon Pastore Primary School complex
    • M.U. Traiano Comprehensive Institute at via di Dragone No 445
    • W.A. Mozart Comprehensive Institute at Viale di Castel Porziano No 516
    • G. Proietti Comprehensive Institute at via Marco Decumio No 25
    • Magarotto Comprehensive Institute at Vicolo del Casale Lumbroso No 129
    • C. B. C. Di Cavour Secodary School at via delle Carine No 1
    • Via Frignani Comprehensive Institute at Via Frignani No 97
    • A. Manzi Comprehensive Institute at via del Pigneto No 301
    • Largo San Pio V Comprehensive Institute at Largo San Pio V No 20
    • Giorgio Ambrosoli Secondary School at Viale della Primavera No 207
    • Marta Russo Comprehensive School at via I. Torsiello No 57
    • Nino Rota Comprehensive Institute at via F.S. Benucci No 32
    • Goffredo Petrassi Comprehensive Institute at via della Maratona No 23
    • P. Seniore Secondary School at via Montebello No 122
    • Raffaello Comprehensive Institute at via Capograssi No 23
    • Via Anagni Comprehensive Institute at Via Anagni No 46
    • A. Manzoni Comprehensive Institute at via Lusitania No 16
    • A. Rosmini Comprehensive Institute at via Giorgio del Vecchio No 24
    • Carlo Urbani Secondary School at via dell'Idroscalo No 88
    • Via G. Messina Comprehensive Institute at Via Giuseppe Messina No 51
    • A. De Curtis Comprehensive Institute at via della Tenuta di Torrenova No 130
    • Via Dal Verme Comprehensive Institute at via Conte di Carmagnola No 27
    • La Giustiniana Comprehensive Institute at via Giuseppe Silla No 3
    • Via P.A. Micheli Comprehensive Institute at via P.A. Micheli No 21
    • Via Fabiola Comprehensive Institute at via Fabiola No 15
    • G. B. Valente Comprehensive Institute at Viale Giovanni Battista Valente No 100
    • D. Manin Comprehensive Institute at via N. Bixio No 83
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  • Cultura

    Interventions to promote eco-efficiency and reduce the energy consumption in theatres and movie theatres owned by Roma Capitale Teatro Biblioteca Quarticciolo

    The 10 planned interventions aim at improving safety and hospitality in theatre and movie theatre spaces, as well as optimising the performance and functionality of the rooms through eco-efficiency and the reduction of energy consumption. 

    The funded projects involve eight theatres and two movie theatres owned by Roma Capitale, including Teatro Argentina, Teatro Costanzi (Rome Opera Theatre Foundation), Teatro Quarticciolo, Teatro Torlonia, Teatro India (room A and room B), Teatro Tor Bella Monaca (room A and room B), Teatro del Lido di Ostia, Globe Theatre, Casa del Cinema and Cinema Aquila.

    More specifically, the project actions will focus on:

    • the restoration of materials in compliance with the regulations;
    • the elimination of hazards deriving from damaged parts;
    • the creation and/or revision of electrical and special systems, integrated with energy consumption efficiency control systems;
    • the revision or replacement of heating/air conditioning systems, to improve the overall management of theatres and movie theatres.

    These interventions will improve the audience experience, ensuring a safer, more comfortable and energy-efficient environment in theatres and movie theatres.

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