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“Centro Servizi Prenestino” Urban Recovery Programme

Implementing party

Private fund

Project description

The "Nuovo Centro Servizi Prenestino" Urban Planning Programme will take place in the eastern part of the city. The activities will include the creation of a centre for private services called Centro Prenestino, located in Via Palmiro Togliatti, on the corner with Via Prenestina. The interventions will include the redevelopment of the private areas involved and the adjacent public roads, including the relocation of a scrapyard currently present in the area.

Following the needs and possibilities highlighted by the Rome Opera House management board, which already owns public service structures in the vicinity of Collatina, the possibility of creating a theatre room for rehearsals has emerged, transferring the Opera House’s orchestra and choir rehearsals activities to the new premises. 

The inclusion in the Programme of a valuable public function, represented by a technical-educational hub linked to the Rome Opera House, qualifies the entire intervention, giving a precise social and cultural identity to it. Furthermore, during the design phase of the new set up, particular attention was paid to the history of the area, guiding the design of the green spaces so to facilitate the understanding of the ancient structures and historical routes. These spaces converge in the foyer of the new public building, where there will be a museum exhibition aimed at showing to visitors what the Superintendence and the archaeologists have discovered about the history of this area and the others relevant elements located in the surroundings.

All the changes made will not lead to an increase in the urban planning load originally envisaged, keeping the overall gross usable area of the Programme unchanged.


Tender stage
End of Work

Funding source

Private funding

Amount allocated

120.000.000,00 €